Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Boy and His Dog

Lately, I've gotten in the habit of whining, "I want a doggie!" everytime I see a cute dog. Since most dogs are cute (sans, of course, most instances of the
Chinese Crested), John's heard me whine that a LOT lately.

Then, I remember that we DO have a doggie.

(Lately, Albert's been running up to the front or back door in the evenings, pawing at the frame, and meowing. We didn't know what he wanted--figured that maybe he saw a stranger kitty lurking about outside. Finally, we put him on his leash and took him outside. Now, I think he expects it.)

While he only rarely prances like a show dog behind John as he walks, he's still got his dog-like tendencies. And that'll suffice until we're ready for ALL the freaking responsibilities a dog entails.

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