Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's a Woman's Prerogative

A few weeks back, we were on what has become a routine shopping trip to Lowes. We were looking for a non-gaudy ceiling medallion to cover up the hole I created when I repositioned the junction box in the ceiling to accomodate the ceiling fan. We had previously struck out at Home Depot--all they had were ugly, daisy/rose/geometric-covered motifs that induced nausea--so we were hoping Lowes would have something that better matched the two other medallion designs in the house. I still plan on posting about the ceiling fans--yes, plural. We bought another one! But this post is about something else entirely.

As we walked down the grand aisle entrance of our local Lowes, we were immediately drawn to the boldly labeled CLEARANCE stickers on hundreds of various items stacked on tables. We love a bargain, so we were in heaven.

Long story short, I got a very pretty/moderately ornate 9-bulb chandelier to replace the simple 5-bulb chandelier I had gotten from ReStore and installed a month or so ago (that prompted the Pop Pop Sizzle ordeal referenced below). So, on this past particularly productive Saturday, we hunkered down, installed the new ceiling fan, and installed the new chandelier. I did the wiring while poor John supported the weight from the massive thing (it's not really that heavy, but holding something above your head for a long period of time while someone else fumbles around with wires gets to be majorly tiring).

Here's the old light:

And here's the new light:Lovely, don't you think? As soon as I refinish the dining room table and get it in, we'll figure out how much we want the chandelier to hang down. For now, the chain is just pooled a the top of the fixture.

Since the $199 chandelier was on clearance, I snagged it for a mere $75. So, including both ceiling fans, we're up to the grand total of about $490 to replace the vast majority of lights in our house. I feel pretty damned good about that!

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